Meta-Performance, un perfomance que trata el sentido y fin de un performance. El contenido queda estructurado a través de unas didácticas lecciones del "Taller para principiantes", una sesión de visuales que incluye testimonios reales de artistas consagrados. Con las lecciones de fondo, Bonus-Extra escenifica como realizar un performance.
18 de mayo, 2012, ESCAPE International Art Performance Festival, en BLO Ateliers, Berlín.
19 de mayo, 2012, MPA-B (Month of Performance Art Berlin), en Liebig12, Berlín.
//Meta-Performace, a performance about the meaning and purpose of the performance itself. The content is organized through didactic lessons included in the "Workshop for Beginners", a vj sessión, that brings together real statements of acclaimed artists. While the lessons on the background, Bonus-Extra performs how to do a performance.
18th may, 2012, ESCAPE International Art Performance Festival, at BLO Ateliers, Berlin.
19th may, 2012, MPA-B (Month of Performance Art Berlin), at Liebig12, Berlin.
········>Escape performance festival
Didácticas lecciones sobre lo que es un performance. "Taller para principiantes", una sesión de visuales con testimonios reales de performers consagrados.
Mostrados como parte de un performance en ESCAPE International Art Performance Festival y MPA-B (Month of Performance Art Berlin), Berlín.
//Didactic lessons about the sense of performance. "Workshop for Beginners", a vj sessión, that brings together real statements of acclaimed performers.
As part of a performance at ESCAPE International Art Performance Festival and MPA-B (Month of Performance Art Berlin), Berlin.
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Mostrados como parte de un performance en ESCAPE International Art Performance Festival y MPA-B (Month of Performance Art Berlin), Berlín.
//Didactic lessons about the sense of performance. "Workshop for Beginners", a vj sessión, that brings together real statements of acclaimed performers.
As part of a performance at ESCAPE International Art Performance Festival and MPA-B (Month of Performance Art Berlin), Berlin.
········> ver proyecto completo // see whole project
8ª Edición de 'Los Artistas del Barrio'. Jornada de puertas abiertas de casas y talleres de artistas del centro de Madrid. Con la colaboración dentro del espacio Bonus-Extra de Maite Cajaraville, Sebas Beyro y Galería Liebre.
Comisariado:: Eponine Franckx.
// 8th Edition of 'The Artist of the District'. Open studio weekend of the centre-city Madrid artists.With the collaboration in Bonus-Extra's studio of Maite Cajaraville, Sebas Beyro and Galería Liebre.
Curated:: Eponine Franckx.
Comisariado:: Eponine Franckx.
// 8th Edition of 'The Artist of the District'. Open studio weekend of the centre-city Madrid artists.With the collaboration in Bonus-Extra's studio of Maite Cajaraville, Sebas Beyro and Galería Liebre.
Curated:: Eponine Franckx.